Wednesday, November 24, 2010

illegal immigrants on education

I read the editorial written by my classmate, J. Houston, entitled, California Gives Illegal Immigrants In-State Tuition. I agree with Houston that illegal immigrants should not be entitled to the same benefits that in-state students are given on the college level.

However, I feel that the problem starts with allowing illegal immigrants the right to attend grade school.  I do not understand how they have the right to go to grade school in the first place since technically they are here illegally. I am aware that there was a law passed by the Supreme Court in 1982 giving the children of illegal immigrants the right to attend grade school, but to me it just does not make sense nor seem right.

By not paying taxes and getting the same opportunity to attend public schools, it is unfair to the American citizens and legal immigrants.  If an immigrant can take the necessary steps and deal with the financial hardships to become citizen but not reside in the State where they would like to go to college and have to pay out-of-state tuition, then to me this does not seem fair that an illegal immigrant be provided the opportunity to go college and pay in-state tuition without becoming a citizen.

As my classmate had stated, I too agree, that this does provides illegal immigrants with more incentives to come to the United States. The Federal Government invests millions, if not billions, on border security and then allows this to take place. If this is the case then why not give illegal immigrant children the right to enter the United States and receive a free and/or discounted education provided by the legal citizens of this country, instead of wasting time and tax payer’s dollars to try and stop them from coming into the United States, in the first place.

There is much debate over this subject not just in California but in many other states as well. My hope is the right thing is done for the sake of the American people, who get up each day, pay their taxes and try to make a positive impact on this country.

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